The Porsche 911 was created designed to be the flagship of the Porsche lineup, and it has become one of the most recognizable vehicles on the road today. Taking home most every major award in racing history, the 911 model spawned numerous series, none of them more successful or widely praised than the 997, which became the best-selling 911 in the history of the car. Some 997 owners experience high-pressure fuel pump failure.
The common experience is with a car that should be in perfect condition. Drivers’ experiences are that the car will suddenly lose most of its power, and a message will pop up that says “reduced engine power.” When this happens, you can very likely blame the high-pressure fuel pump for what you are experiencing.
The 997 runs so efficiently and powerfully due in part to the high-pressure fuel pump, which shoots fuel straight into the car’s combustion chamber. When the pump fails, the fuel injected into the chamber is far less plentiful than it should be, and it doesn’t come with nearly as much vim and vigor as it should. This causes the car to receive a drastically reduced surge of power and leaves you feeling more like you’re driving an ox-cart than one of the world’s fastest vehicles.
A bad high-pressure pump will lead to numerous problems. For one, the engine will be trying to burn more fuel than it is receiving, causing parts to wear down more quickly than if everything were happening up to specifications. Preventing any damage to your 997’s engine is a top priority, and that is why we recommend taking your car to a local Porsche maintenance garage for servicing and repair.
Search for a local, independent Porsche repair shop with Porsche mechanics that have dealer-level expertise at a fraction of the expense.